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myclimate is your partner for effective climate protection.

We offer **beyond value chain mitigation projects **and long-lasting development worldwide that supports the UN SDG.

We offer consultancy on climate protection and CSRD services to meet EU requirements. Our servides include IT solutions for eCommerce, CCFs, PCFs, LCAs, efficiency measures, climate strategy development and support for the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).

Our educational programmes empower, inspire and support people at school and at work, with the aim of promoting climate protection through broader expertise.

Case Studies:


– Carbon footprint calculation of the entire product range and operations according to GHG protocol

– 100 % of EXPED's product and operational emissions include carbon offsetting contribution to myclimate's project "Tanzanian Forests"

– Change of wording from "climate neutral" to "climate protection contribution" and "engaged for impact" label for increased transparency


– Annual calculation of the entire corporate footprint (incl. supply chain) according to the GHG Protocol to identify reduction potentials)

– Corporate carbon footprint is also prepared in accordance with SBTi

– VAUDE commits to reduce absolute scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions covering purchased goods and services 50 % by 2030 from a 2019 base year

Provider's Downloads

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