2021 General Assembly

You are invited to the European Outdoor Group Annual General Assembly.

2021 meeting took place Jan 29, 2021 2:00 PM CET (Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna)

Minutes from the meeting are now available for download at the bottom of this page.

The Agenda and Annual report can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

Event Programme

13:45 Registration / log in

14:00 Welcome

What a year it’s been...Last time we got together, despite some worrying news from China, no one would have guessed what course 2020 would take and our sector, from manufacturing via brands all the way to retail, has never been faced with a situation anything like it. The pandemic is weighing heavily on our trade and our thoughts go out to those impacted most by it, both personal and from a business point of view.

But it also has to be said that, as a sector, we are doing relatively well compared to other industries and we credit this to the great leadership in the EOG member companies and their ability to react and adapt to overcome the ongoing challenges, working in close cooperation with their value chain and on overarching projects led by the EOG.

Here we give a recap of what’s happened in the past year and it is a strong statement for cooperation within the outdoor trade!

Doing Business Right

14:15  Update from the EOG Departments

Of course the EOG has not been untouched by the pandemic and we therefore adjusted our short-term work plan in Q1 to meet the requirements of the trade, continuing to push forward with our existing work while also taking on additional work arising from the new situation. We tracked the impact of civid19 on our sector as well as that on our consumers and created a working group to take a deep look at the go to market cycle and the supply chain of our sector. We launched a new website with a dedicated covid response page and invested in a new digital portal for our market research including the retail barometer sell-through analysis to future proof our research technology and to get closer to the markets. We reinforced our CSR& Sustainability team, rolled out the EOG Climate Action Programme, created the Audit Alliance to share audit costs, formalised our relationship with HIGG resulting in membership benefits and more influence on the development of the modules offered. With Sustain the Momentum we held a successful digital conference on sustainability and rolled out the Single Use Plastics project, all while working on building common ground among our membership and bringing brands and retail closer together.

Here we give an update of what the EOG membership has accomplished together in 2020 and what challenges and opportunities present themselves in 2021

15:25 OutDoor by ISPO Update

After the cancellation of the show in 2020, we along with many others in the trade are looking forward to having a vibrant and buzzing in-person trade show event again, which we hope to hold this July in this year’s edition of the show with an amended and further developed and improved concept. The OutDoor by ISPO management team will give an update and overview, as well as a preview of the exciting news and opportunities coming your way this summer.

15:50  Coffee Break

Intact Nature

16:00 The European Outdoor Conservation Association (EOCA)

EOCA continues to deliver conservation and restoration work of great, wild places on behalf of the trade. What the organisation has accomplished in 2020 and the great projects they have in the pipeline for 2021 will be shared by EOCA President, Perry Laukens (KEEN).

Europeans Active Outdoors

16:10 The It’s Great Out There Coalition (IGOTCo)

People are turning to outdoor activity more than ever during the ongoing pandemic and this is a confirmation that being outside in nature is a fundamental need for human beings. Margo DeLange is giving an overview of 2020 and has some exciting news on how we plan to motivate even more Europeans to get active outdoors in a responsible way.

16:20 Annual Assembly

This is the official part, required by law and the foundation of our work the trade. We urge all members to attend and help us take the necessary decisions, exercising their right as members of the association.

1. Approval of the Annual Assembly Agenda and notice of any motions presented

2. Summary of the Annual Report, the accounts for 2020 and the Auditors report

3. Approval of the Annual Report and discharge of the directors

4. Update on the Board’s key objectives and the work plan for 2021

5. Election of Board members and appointment of Auditor

6. Membership fees

7. Budget for 2021

17:30 Meeting ends

For the official part of the meeting we request that only one nominated representative of each member organisation places a vote.
Invites to vote will be sent to the primary contact for each member organisation, if you wish to nominate another contact please email to
Links and passwords for the voting process will be sent in the days before the meeting.

PDF Downloads for the AGM

Downloadable files are available here
please click on the icon below.