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Last updated: August 2020
  1. The European Outdoor Group (the “EOG” or “Association”) is registered in Canton Zug in Switzerland and is governed by its Bylaws, a copy of which is available on request.
  2. All members agree to be bound by the Bylaws and these can only be varied by the majority vote of an annual assembly or extra ordinary assembly.
  3. One of the governing bodies of the EOG is the Membership Committee, which has the duty of assessing the suitability of applicants, and has the right to refuse membership at its absolute discretion.
  4. A membership application submitted by email is considered to have been signed by the applicant company.
  5. Information submitted on the membership application form is stored on a computer database. Business information is published on the Association’s website, but individual’s contact information is for the EOG’s use only and is not published. Individual contact information will not be passed to a third party without your consent.
  6. Membership is on an annual basis and payments are for a term of 12 calendar months. The member company is liable for any outstanding payments due.                                                                                 
  7. All payments are due at the end of the month following that of the invoice date.
  8. Membership fees are non refundable
  9. Paid members are entitled to attend and vote at EOG meetings and to any benefits as may be agreed by the EOG from time to time. Voting is limited to one vote per member company
  10. Registered members as of the 31st December in the year prior to the OutDoor Trade Fair are eligible for such discounts resulting in agreements made by the EOG and external organisations, such as trade fair organisations. Any member company that is not a full, paid up member of the EOG at the time of the applicable discount invoice, will lose available partner discounts.
  11. Members are not permitted to use members’ contact information for the formation of unauthorised mailing lists.
  12. Use of the EOG logo must be approved and signed off by the EOG Secretariat.
  13. Member passwords and access codes to password protected areas of the website and other associated membership benefits, are strictly for the use of the individuals to which they were issued, and must not be shared with any third party or unauthorised person.


  1. Applicant companies agree to be represented by their CEO or senior Director. Members must inform the association of any changes in the registered representative or contact details.
  2. Should the EOG request such, members are obliged to participate in the State of Trade Market Research Programme, or any other such research programme that may be agreed from time to time, provided that such a programme has been approved by a minimum of 75% of the membership.
  3. Members are expected to attend at least one of the two annual membership meetings of the group.


  1. Membership of the association will cease if:
  2. A member gives notice in writing that the company wishes to resign their membership a minimum of one calendar month before the end of the calendar year
  3. A member is more than two months late in paying their membership fee.
  4. A member’s conduct brings the association into disrepute and the Membership Committee resolves that the company be removed from membership. Should it be decided by the committee that a member should be removed in line with conduct issues, they will not be able to describe themselves as a member or be refunded any subscriptions.