
It's Great Out There Coalition and Outdoor Gear for Good team up to get more people active outdoors.
The It’s Great Out There Coalition has teamed up with another non-profit organisation to boost its campaign to get more people active in the outdoors. A partnership with Outdoor Gear for Good will see proceeds from the sales of goods contribute to the delivery of grass roots #itsgreatoutthere participation projects throughout Europe.
Outdoor Gear for Good is a non-profit that takes excess inventory from outdoor companies, stores it, and sells it, with all profits being donated to charity. The It’s Great Out There Coalition is a partner of Outdoor Gear for Good and proceeds from goods that are sold will be converted into Outdoor Activity Days, which are targeted physical activity interventions in nature, designed to get citizens active, sustainably, inclusively and responsibly.
One Outdoor Activity Day (OAD) represents a financial value of €40 and the concept is aligned to the latest World Health Organisation guidelines that recommend at least 150 minutes of physical activity every week. OAD are delivered by grass roots partners across Europe, identified through the #itsgreatoutthere grants programme.
The It’s Great Out There Coalition was launched as an international non-profit organisation in 2017, with many of Europe’s biggest outdoor firms as members, and has grown into a major pan-European movement. The coalition promotes outdoor participation to the public and works with European institutions to influence policy that encourages active lifestyles. In addition, #itsgreatoutthere campaign has directly helped get more of the public into nature for the first time, with thousands of young people across Europe benefiting from grants that have supported grass roots projects.
The partnership with Outdoor Gear for Good provides an additional way for #itsgreatoutthere supporters to actively back the campaign.
Based in the UK, Outdoor Gear for Good (OGFG) works with businesses to help stop excess stock, damaged product, or development samples, from going to landfill. OGFG accepts and stores unwanted inventory in its own warehousing facility and recovers best value from the products, either through its dedicated eBay store or in other ways, with all profits going to outdoor charities.
It’s Great Out There Coalition Policy Officer Margo de Lange comments:
“We’re really pleased to be working with Outdoor Gear for Good. This is an exciting new way for companies and individuals to support the #itsgreatoutthere campaign – businesses can offload unwanted inventory, while members of the public can access some great product offers in aid of a great cause. The process frees up warehouse space, prevents product finding its way into landfill, and helps facilitate outdoor participation through Outdoor Activity Days. It’s a good news story all round!”
Outdoor Gear for Good founder Richard Leedham adds:
“We are delighted to be partnering with the It’s Great Out There Coalition and providing one of the ways in which brands can support the fantastic work that the team does. We look forward to a very successful collaboration and helping to fund many more Outdoor Activity Days.”
To find out more about the It’s Great Out There Coalition and Outdoor Activity Days, visit www.itsgreatouthere.com.
For more information about Outdoor Gear for Good, visit www.outdoorgearforgood.com.