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Every year, the EOG produces the Annual Report, which is circulated to our members in advance of our Annual Assembly.The report provides a summary of the work that our team has undertaken during the previous 12 months, highlighting some of the key activities, achievements and indeed challenges during the year. It also showcases how this work relates and contributes to our overall vision, mission and strategy, and offers an insight into what we have planned for the future.
The EOG Annual Report is a statutory document that we produce specifically for our members and which includes some confidential material, but it also contains a lot information that we can share with colleagues in the wider industry, and which we think will be of interest.
With that in mind, we have created an edition of the 2021 report with all of that content, and you can access that below.
It's a snapshot of what our team is focusing on and an insight into the breadth and depth of the pre-competitive collaboration that underpins the EOG’s work. We hope that you find it interesting and useful.
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