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OutDoor by ISPO 2024 Day 1 Sustainability presentations

Biosynthetics: Circularity, Recycling and Future Outlooks

Dr Ashley Holding - Circuvate

Introduction to Circular Systems

Martha Willis - Accelerating Circularity (ACPE)

Fibre Fragmentation from Textiles: The Development of Root Cause

Understanding for the Industry

Elliot Bland - The Microfibre Consortium (TMC)

Durability of Waterproof Jackets – How, When and Why do Jackets Reach their End of Life?

Judith Waller - Mid Sweden University

rPolyester: Reality Zone Workshop

Martha Willis - Accelerating Circularity (ACPE)

LCA – Long Complicated Algorithms? Or Lovely Creative Adventures?

Bowie Miles - Textiles Consultant

The Future of Sustainability Data

Katy Stevens - EOG, Debbie Read - Equip Outdoor Technologies, Melanie Grünwald - Yonderland

Grievance Mechanisms with Fair Wear Foundation

Mariette Van Amstel – Fair Wear Foundation
