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As usual the EOG put on a full schedule of events, presentations and meetings for members and the wider industry at OutDoor by ISPO 2023.

Introduction to the  EOS @ OutDoor by ISPO 

EOG General Secretary Arne Strate welcomed attendees to the show, introduced the EOG and the start of the first EOS @ OutDoor by ISPO along with news on EOS Berlin 2023 with our partners at BSI

EOG Market Research Overview

Scott Nelson – Operations Director, European Outdoor Group

EOG Operations Director Scott Nelson provided an overview of the current marketplace based on recent research and introduced new EOG research projects.

Outdoor Market Intelligence Service

Scott Nelson , European Outdoor Group

An introduction the new EOG Outdoor Market Intelligence Service, outlining the scope of the project, presenting the retailers and brands already involved and explaining how to get involved in this exciting new project.

Outdoor Industry Approach to Circular Business Models

Jane Turnbull – Sustainability Project Manager, European Outdoor Group

In 2023, in an effort to understand the industry position on circularity, the European Outdoor Group developed a survey for its membership. Addressing circularity topics such as aftercare and repair, take-back schemes, re-commerce, recycling and rentals, the survey has provided valuable insights across the industry. The presentation shared the highlights of this work.

Consumer Behaviour Insights: Wash and Care of Outdoor Jackets

Nina Neundorfer, Sport Economics BSc, University of Bayreuth

Consumer behaviour regarding the use phase of outdoor jackets is little understood and there are huge gaps in available data. However, understanding consumers expectations and practices is a critical part of evaluating the full life cycle impacts of garments and can support the industry in the development of better garments as well as highlight opportunities for better consumer communication and education. This presentation presented the results of a consumer study and provided insight into these behaviours across various demographics.

The Realities of Scaling Supply Chain Decarbonisation

Katy Stevens, CSR and Sustainability, European Outdoor Group

The journey to carbon neutrality is long and difficult with unexpected surprises along the way. This session presented a case study of the European Outdoor Group’s Carbon Reduction Project, a joint effort between several brands who actively engaged in collaboratively addressing carbon reduction and energy efficiency within their shared supply chains. The presentation reflected upon the process and outcomes of the project and share the learnings and experiences they discovered along the way.

Supplier Collaboration: Implementing a Solar Rooftop Project

David Eklund, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Icebug

Icebug has been on a journey to reduce its carbon emissions for a number of years with clear ambitious targets to halve the company's CO2 footprint by 2030. Their journey includes taking as many other brands and suppliers along on this mission as possible - freely sharing their knowledge with others, and collaborating to make change. This presentation discussed how Icebug have been working on the ground with one of their suppliers to bring low carbon technology solutions in the form of solar panels to a factory in Vietnam and demonstrated the opportunities available for other brands to support their suppliers on reducing their emissions and making an impact on Scope 3 emissions.

Its Great Out There x Opening Up The Outdoors

Margo De Lange, Secretary General, Its Great Out There Coalition

The It’s Great Out There Coalition is a not-for-profit collaboration on a European level launched by the outdoor industry in 2017 to increase public awareness of the benefits and positive impact of outdoor activities for individuals and for society. The Coalition is embedded in the outdoor industry and works closely with its industry partners: the European Outdoor Group and the European Outdoor Conservation Association. Together, we have a vision for a sustainably profitable industry that gives back more to society and nature than it takes.

In September 2022, OUTO was incorporated into the It’s Great Out There Coalition, allowing OUTO to scale up its work beyond the UK, and benefit from an established governance structure and the clear synergies between the two organisations. OUTO co-founder Keme Nzerem was also been appointed vice president of the coalition, further integrating the work of #itsgreatoutthere and Opening Up the Outdoors.
